Saturday, August 31, 2013

It's HeeeEEERRREEEeee!

It's here, it's here, it's here, it's HERE!!!!! I don't know why, but I have been anticipating the 2014 Outline for Sharing time for WEEKS

2014 Outline for Sharing Time: Families Are Forever

I wonder how much in common there is with 2009's theme: My Eternal Family

But here is the list (and just in case you're wondering I totally snatched this list from Lesson Plans of an OCD Primary Chorister and let her dig through each page for each month to find the songs - thanks OCD Primary Chorister!!!!!!)
January:  He Sent His Son (34)
February:  I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
March:  I Stand All Amazed (hymns 193)
April:  The Family is of God (back of manual)
July:  Baptism (100)
August:  Seek the Lord Early (108)

The pdf is not out yet: but you can get the entire contents online

Thoughts: I  have no idea how I am going to get through this program! These are beautiful songs, these are wonderful songs, some of them are my very favorites. But they make me CRY!!!!! (I still am not sure how I will do when we sing "A Child's Prayer" {for heaven's sakes ----- I can barely type it without choking up} because at the suggestion from the facebook page, I have asked the Youth to sing with them [most inspired idea EVER] and there is one sweet YW that I KNOW I can't look at while directing because this song gets her as well - but it's last - so at least that is good)

May's Theme is "Families are Blessed When they Follow the Prophet" (I am not sure if I want to sing "Follow the Prophet" - again - but we just may

June's Theme is "Priesthood Ordinances and Temple Work Bless My Family" (The Priesthood is Restored would fit and we aren't singing it this year and I happen to LOVE IT! However, it IS rather short - so I guess I will just have to pray very seriously to find the right ones) I am very frightened with the prospect of having a pick your own song in June- during vacation time. I guess I will have to pick an easy one ( I could make it easy on myself for once, maybe)

I am actually quite surprised about the addition of "I Stand All Amazed". Delighted, but surprised. Some serious praying again, but I may limit it to one verse: many difficult words such as "proffers" "tremble", "descend", "rebellious", "sufficient", "redeem", "devotion", "adore" . But, because I KNOW this is inspired, I trust it. And upon second thought - how on earth could I ever not sing all verses. But I can't ever get through verse two. Ever. I guess I will have to pray for strength.

I am most excited about doing "The Family is of God". I love it and it reminds me of Finding Nemo, which also makes me cry. (In case you're wondering - since I told that to someone else and she thought I was hearing things - in the intro - those first two stanzas - but most specifically the first five notes)[I just went to hear the theme on youtube and I still hear it - but maybe that is just me].

I really hope our pianist does not get called to do something else, because I fear for anyone who isn't vastly experienced (as she is) when it comes to playing "Baptism"

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back to School Review

Thanks so much to Camille's Primary Ideas for this idea. I copied her activity nearly word for word, except I changed a couple of songs (because I picked obscure songs for my "pick your own months") and we aren't signing any songs (which is what she did for pencil: write the song (sign) with your hands) so I racked my brain for several minutes and finally came up with my highlighter idea. It is super lame because you actually want the kids to sing "brightly" just about all the time; but at this point I was desperate (I almost was going to use crayons and just do the same activity for markers but with a different song - see how desperate).
My camera is WAY upstairs (my computer usually resides far, far away from my bedroom) so I am just stealing Camille's picture:
And here is my list:
ERASER: “Erase" (don’t sing) the words  “father”  or   “spirit” in the song I Know My Father Lives p. 5

GLUE: Glue your legs together and your arms to your sides so you hold really still while we sing Can a Little Child like Me p. 9

MARKERS: Only sing My Heavenly Father Loves Me p. 228 when you are wearing the same color as the marker that is held up.

RULER: Measure the volume as we sing I Am a Child of God p. 2. Point to 1 inch for softer up to 12 inches for louder.

CALCULATOR: Count  how many times we sing the word  “family” in Families Can Be Together Forever p. 188.

HIGHLIGHTERS: Brighten your singing (smile, widen your eyes and open mouth wider) during  If the Savior Stood Beside Me when the highlighter is held up.

SCISSORS: Sing When I am Baptized p. 103 legato (smoothly) as if it were a piece of paper for the verse. Then when we sing the chorus, cut it up by singing staccato (choppy).

SHARPENER: Sharpen the song by enunciating each word for A Child’s Prayer p. 12