Friday, July 4, 2014

Lego Derby for 5th sunday in August

So, August ALSO has five Sundays in it. This past fifth Sunday I did a simplified version of the 4th of July poppers (without the cardboard tubes) and somehow it didn't seem as fun, but it occupied the whole time, so I guess I can't complain.

While I wouldn't call last Sunday an EPIC FAIL, it did make me think that I would have to work extra hard to come up with something awesome for the ridiculously soon next fifth Sunday.

I hope I have found it - although it will require some buying of lego wheels for me.

Here it is - completely plagiarized from Hum Your Favorite Hymn

My son was a new Cub Scout so I had Pinewood Derby on the brain -- I decided to do a LEGO Pinewood Derby! I made a very very simple cardboard ramp (and in the Primary room, I just propped it up against a chair at the back of the room).

For both Junior and Senior it was the same.
I put together bags of LEGOs beforehand, one per class. The same exact number and type of LEGOs. Also beforehand, we made 5 basic LEGO cars (Junior and Senior each have 5 classes) -- wheels and a base for them to build on.

I also prepared papers that listed their song choices.

So we began by singing one song together.
Then I handed out the bags of LEGOs to each class, and one of the cars, and told them they had a couple of minutes to work together to add the LEGO pieces to their car.
We then chose two classes to go first -- they raced their cars, and the winner got to pick the next song from my list of songs.
Then another class raced the winner of that race.
And so on until everyone raced.
It was kind of rowdy but fun!

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